About Southern Flora
Southern Flora Wildflower Nursery in Western Australia specialises in growing plants from the south-west forests, woodlands and heathlands that have attractive flowers and unusual foliage for the home garden, landscaping and bush regeneration projects.
Erica Shedley developed a love of nature while growing up on a farm near Bridgetown, surrounded by jarrah forest. Her university studies in botany, soil science and ecology led to a deeper understanding of plants and natural ecological processes. Erica later completed her Honours degree in Environmental Science and PhD in Botany and started a career in conservation biology working in various research and management roles over 15 years in the south-west to conserve threatened flora and fauna and their habitats.
Erica’s passion for birds began when she saw the opportunity for using birds as biological indicators for monitoring bushland health. Birds are attracted to new plantings of wildflowers to feed on nectar, pollen and insects and bring added pleasure to many people. Erica is a keen birdwatcher and has travelled and conducted bird surveys in many places around Western Australia.
Erica believes that by growing native plants to attract birds and insects to the garden and bushland, people will understand from first-hand experience about the inter-dependence of our amazing biodiversity and may be more willing to contribute to its conservation in a meaningful way.