Southern Flora Nursery is offering a range of interesting wildflower species that are endemic to inland south-west Western Australia. They are well adapted to growing in our soil types and climatic conditions. Species have been selected for their attractive flowers, smaller habit and/or unusual foliage so they are easy to manage, and drought and frost tolerant. They are very suitable for adding colour and diversity to any home garden, or as stunning and hardy pot plants. All species will increase habitat diversity in gardens, hobby farms and on-farm bushland. The birds will love you!
Erica is busy propagating plants and will increase the range of new and interesting species available over the coming years. See the full Species Descriptions within each category in the Order Plants page. As Southern Flora is a small specialty nursery, not all species will be available every year or in stock at any one time. Small numbers of other native species are available at the Nursery, and are not displayed online.
Plants are generally sold in 90mm tubes or 125 to 200mm pots.
The Nursery is Open by Appointment, and generally only between the months of May to August.
Plants can be purchased directly from the Nursery by phoning Erica on 0437 872 954 for an appointment.
Plants can also be purchased using the online Checkout Cart through the Order Plants page.
Plants will be available at some local Market days, and special Open Days at the Nursery.
Orders can be picked up from the Southern Flora Nursery at 79 Blechynden Street Bridgetown.
Southern Flora no longer provides a delivery service.