Adenanthos barbiger – Hairy Jugflower


A medium spreading to upright, multi-stemmed shrub with narrow elliptical, green, hairy leaves and bright red, hairy jug flowers along the stems. Leaf width and length and hairiness can vary. This plant grows from 0.5 to 1m tall and flowers over a long period from mid-winter to early summer and occasionally in autumn, attracting Western Spinebills and other honeyeaters to feed on its nectar. It grows in sandy loam, sandy gravel, gravelly loam, sandy clay and gravelly clay loam and tolerates moderate frost and drought, adding a splash of bright colour. Origin – Jarrah forest and woodland on Darling Scarp.


A medium spreading to upright, multi-stemmed shrub with narrow elliptical, green, hairy leaves and bright red, hairy jug flowers along the stems.

Additional information


125mm pot

Flower colour



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