Diplolaena drummondii – Forest Rose


A medium shrub with soft, thin, mid-green, ovate leaves with reddish hairs and attractive, pendant flower heads with long, red to orange stamen, surrounded by creamy-green bracts. A lovely shrub that grows from 0.4 to 1.5m high and 1m wide, and flowers in winter and spring. It looks great in any garden and grows in full sun or dappled shade and tolerates moderate drought, growing naturally around granite outcrops in shallow sandy loam, gravels and rocky soils. Origin – Perth Hills, Darling Range, South West.


A medium shrub with soft, thin, mid-green, ovate leaves with reddish hairs and attractive, pendant flower heads with long, red to orange stamen, surrounded by creamy-green bracts.

Additional information

Flower colour

orange, red


125mm pot