A medium, sturdy shrub with large, elliptical leaves and spectacular, deep pink, pixie-mop flower heads displayed well at the ends of long upright stems.
A medium, sturdy shrub with large, elliptical leaves and spectacular, deep pink, pixie-mop flower heads displayed well at the ends of long upright stems. A hardy plant with a stunning floral display in late winter and spring and sometimes in autumn and is a great feature plant and perfect cut flower. It attracts birds and grows from 0.5 to 1.8m high. It tolerates moderate drought and frost, and can be pruned after flowering to promote new long stem growth and flowers. It prefers full sun or light dappled shade and grows in sand, sandy loam, sandy gravel, gravelly loam, gravelly clay loam, clay loam and in winter-wet sites. Origin – Albany and South Coast.
A medium, sturdy shrub with large, elliptical leaves and spectacular, deep pink, pixie-mop flower heads displayed well at the ends of long upright stems.
Size | 125mm pot |
Flower colour | mauve, pink |